Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Post! First Post!

Welcome to NorCalRollerDerby!

I'm not sure how to start off this inaugural post for the new blog. It's a little intimidating. Maybe introductions are in order?

I'm Killer Vee and I play with the B.ay A.rea D.erby Girls. I've been skating with the league since June 2005. In the last four years, I've watched the sport of roller derby EXPLODE! I remember when B.A.D.G. was the only flat-track league in the state of California (with the banked track league the L.A. Derby Dolls being the first to bring back derby on the West Coast).

Since that time, we have seen leagues spring up all over the state/country/world. While there are other and more throrough, and professional sites around that go into far greater detail (I'm looking at you, DNN!), I wanted to create a place where I could talk about and read about the local home teams. Leagues like: BADG, Sacred, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, Sac, Silicon Valley, Port City, Humboldt, Tahoe, Reno, Central Coast, etc.

Ideally, I'm hoping that people will follow the blog and start to contribute their own content. I'd love to see previews and recaps of all local games. Pictures and video! Stats! Promotion! Other....uhhh....stuff!

I know it will take a while to get off the ground but spread the word to your leaguemates! The 2009 season has basically just begun. Let's get cracking!

-Killer Vee

PS: I am not good with the internetz. Don't expect anything fancy.


rollella said...

i'm in love with my new favorite blog!!! thanks vee!

Lulu Lockjaw said...

I am super stoked on this. And I plan to post a lot of comments...I have a lot to say!

jumpingmean said...

this is rad, vee

Veronica Leigh said...

Lulu, I have a lot to say too! It's why I wanted to start this. If you ever want to write something up about your league or derby in general, let me know!

Queen fLee said...

Yo Killer Vee!

Thanks a bunch for bringing us more derby and lots of luck in your blog!


P.S. We've just added you to our Derby Media feeds! This means that whenever you post an entry, you will automagically show up on our home page and people can click on your article!

Veronica Leigh said...

Hey thanks! That's a pretty smart idea to link all the different blogs to one feed. I like it!